Half Barrel Honey is made in South Australia's Riverland and is 100% raw. Raw honey is very different to much of the honey found in supermarkets as it has not been treated in any way. It is extracted from the hive, filtered to remove any beeswax and then bottled. Simple!
Raw honey contains natural vitamins and enzymes and is high in antioxidants making it very beneficial to your health. All of these naturally occurring nutrients are eradicated during the heating and pasteurisation process that is often undergone by honey mass produced for supermarkets.
Research is proving that ingesting bee pollen helps alleviate hay fever. Raw honey contains small traces of pollen so if you are a Riverlander who suffers from hay fever, eating locally produced honey will help relieve those nasty symptoms.
A spoonful of Half Barrel Honey a day keeps the doctor away! The only way you can be sure you're getting 100% raw honey is if you buy it direct from the beekeeper!

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Pollination Services
My beehives are available to lease for crop pollination within the Riverland.
Honey bees are expert pollinators and their presence will have a dramatic impact on the success of your crop.
Bees require large quantities of pollen and nectar to rear their young and will forage in large numbers to achieve this goal. Bees have a hairy body that traps the pollen as they move from flower to flower. They will only visit one species of flower in any given trip making them ideal pollinators.
One third of the food we eat relies on bee pollination for success such as canola, citrus, apples, avocadoes, apricots, cherries, stone fruits and almonds. Pollination by bees ensures consistent production of fruit or seed thereby increasing crop yields and also improving fruit quality.
Bees transported from interstate take time to adjust to our climate and recover from the stress of long distance travel. My Riverland bees, however, arrive healthy and ready to start working immediately on your Riverland crop.
Enquire now to discuss the requirements of your crop.

Swarm Removal
I can remove bee swarms as well as established bee colonies and safely relocate them into a hive so they can continue to live happily and healthily.
Swarming is a natural bee behaviour that enables the colony to reproduce. Swarming bees will settle in a tight ball around their queen while waiting for the scout bees to find a suitable new home. Bees in this state are very calm and non-aggressive if left alone. Just call me and we can safely remove them.
I can also remove established bee colonies humanely to ensure the survival of the colony. Each live bee removal is unique so please enquire below for a quote.

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Host a Hive
My Host a Hive program provides an opportunity for you to reap all the benefits of having a beehive in your backyard but without the stress! Your garden and fruit trees will get a boost from the bee pollination and you get the sweetest gift of all...honey! I do the all the hard work of managing the hive and ensuring the bees stay happy and healthy.
Hosting a hive is a great option if you are interested in getting into backyard beekeeping as you can throw on one of my spare suits and join in on the regular inspections. Then you can really enjoy the wonder of bees!
You can host a hive for $40 a month. (Ex GST)